Random Thoughts: Drupal trims the login password field but not the username.

I couldn't log in today. Weird. Turns out I left a space after my username in the login field.

Somehow I remembered that Drupal will trim your password of whitespace before looking it up.

Just confirmed it. You can put as many spaces as you want after your password in any Drupal login form. 

But if you do it to your username? Baffled. You've stumped Drupal.

It's kinda fun. 

Introducing Site and Site Manager Modules: Tools for tracking your Drupal sites.

In our line of work, we often deal with many different websites. One of my clients, Vardot, is responsible for over 100 websites. To ensure each site is running smoothly, they needed a tool to keep track of all of them in one place, and hired me to build a "Drupal Support Dashboard", or DSD.

Site Audit 4: Track your Drupal sites into the 4th Dimension

The Site Audit module is a classic. It will reach 10 years old in June of 2023. It gives you a detailed report of your Drupal site in the web admin, providing a nice pass-fail display for review. It has a drush command that renders the report to the terminal in HTML, text, or JSON.

Earlier this year, we started a new project that resulted in a few new features for Site Module, launching the 4.x version branch. 

Presenting Provision 4.x CLI Developer Sneak Peek at DrupalNYC

I presented at the first Drupal NYC Meetup of the year!

I've been hard at work building a new Provision: the command-line interface for Aegir. We are moving off Drush commands into our own CLI built in Symfony. The tool is finally a working MVP, so I figured it's time to spread the word! 

First I give a bit of background on the Aegir project and my goals for the project which can be summed up in one word: easy.

Defining "Content": Treating Drupal as a CMF

Time and time again the debate about "what is content" and "what is configuration" comes up. I think not often enough we talk about it in words but not in the intentions of what you are building. This article is just about content, because everything else is just code.

First of all, what is "Content", really? It recently has become crystal clear to me: