Ithaca Falls, Ithaca NY

Last week I was honored to be selected to speak at the 4th Cornell DrupalCamp at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Aaron Froehlich joined me to speak on how his team uses DevShop at the Cornell ILR School.

Aaron's been using DevShop since the 0.x days to fire up copies of his website for different git branches, making it easy to review his team's work.

It also freed them to create environments to give to their stakeholders for review. Instead of sending stakeholders to the staging environment (which could change at any time), they could create one just for that stakeholder, knowing it would remain stable for as long as they needed.

Here is Aaron's portion of the presentation with a live demo of using DevShop for Pull Request environments.

Big thanks to Aaron and the entire Cornell & Ithaca Drupal community! Great camp, and beautiful city!

Submitted by Jon Pugh on